Ethics & Partners

At Elsker & Lys we care where your money goes and so you should too and how it can be put back in a positive manner towards our planet. Consumers today are faced with so much choice and we find it important to put your money into businesses that care and support the environment and sustainability.  So from our clothing to our homewares we are trying to do this in the upmost ethical way we can;  from our materials to the manufacturing process, the workers and where our products are made and the enviroment in which they are made in.  

All our Artisans in Bali, Indoneisa from the fashion side to homewares and furniture work in very small factory or office enviroments and usually with no more than 10 workers. Our fabrics and manfucturing are sourced very carefully and we are there several times a year throughout our production to oversee this and that they are being treated fairly. As they care dearly for their family and their daily chores it is sometimes possible that they can work from home so they can attend to both at the same time. Something that is important to us in keeping their families together.

We are a small business which means we can make decisions to improve us and mother earth quickly to move towards a more sustainable future. We are continuously trying to educate ourselves on sustainable options in the market. We know there are some great options out there, already using Hero Packaging, Better Packaging and Sendle for our biodegradable, earth friendly recycled plastic mailers for our online orders. These are compostable, minimising our environmental footprint.

We are finding recently the decisions we are making are better for the environment, but have less of a brand presence, but that is ok with us. We have moved to biodegradable individual garment bags but chose against featuring our logo on the bag which meant less waste in our waterways. Also opting for spare buttons to be sewn into care labels which resulted in less packaging. We work to always make sure these little decisions count.

We believe at Elsker & Lys in building long life realtionships with our partners and the community and creating a safe and envitomentally sustainable future for us all.